16 March 2007


Unusually for me, I was pretty much forced into Barstucks (as we affectionately call it) for a meeting the other day. And was horrified - nay, angry - nay, amazed - all of those and more! - that they've got a Starbucks book for sale on the counter.

Ne'ermind the music, the paraphenalia, the Times, the mugs, the coffee (which is after all what we went in there for the in the first place)... a book! By someone with a PhD no less!

Starbucks Experience: 5 Principles for Turning Ordinary into Extraordinary

Another money spinner - surely. Another opportunity to expound their "brand values" - of course. An opportunity to get under their skin, immitate, de/re-construct, learn from them, be challenged by them - that too?

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1 comment:

Fat Roland said...

I can't speak for the book as I don't frequent Starbucks, and yes it does look like an add-on sale, but you have to admit, the 'Bucks is a pretty remarkable - and interesting - success story.