29 January 2007

...in black...

Some days, without knowing why, you get up and feel like wearing black, yeah? (OK so I have an inkling...)

Today was one of the days. And it was justified it turns out - I heard two personal, terrible, tragic pieces of news this morning.

The Man in Black (who wore it for "the poor, the broken down, the prisoner, the sick, the lonely, the old, the mourning ones") himself sang:

What have I become?
My sweetest friend
Everyone I know
Goes away in the end
And you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt
If I could start again
A million miles away
I would keep myself
I would find a way...

Sadly, very fitting.

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1 i z said...

Sorry to hear about the bad news - you'll be in my thoughts.

Cash's cover of the Nine Inch Nails' Hurt is just stunning as you say. The video with Cash and his wife is just heartbreaking; when he, a man at the end of his career and life, closes the piano lid, I swear I get a lump in my throat everytime.

Hope the music soothes and heals you.

Anonymous said...

I read your black day blog, hope mine doesn't seem too frivulous for you on a day like today, maybe it will make you feel a bit less black? Thanks for your lovely message, I guess the world is always somehow balancing. Sal x

LauraHD said...

Thanks S and L, really appreciate your words.

S - your news is glorious! A boy! It's one of those gorgeous anti-black-day miracles of life...